
How Monetizing a blog: First Steps

Many bloggers are eager to make money with their blog, and the first thing they do after publishing the first posts is to place advertising banners. They hope to achieve income from first day with advertising and this, though not impossible but it is difficult. To monetize a blog must first give a series of steps to ensure profitability.

monetize a blog

If you do not want that your benefits of blogging are limited to a few cents, keep on reading.

First steps to monetize a blog

Choose a profitable niche that interests you
Many people have managed to earn money with a blog because they have been able to cover a demand on the part of the audience. If you do not want your blog pass by the blogosphere without penalty or glory you begin by finding a profitable niche market and that also you like, because you’ll have to invest a lot of time on it.

It is important to determine your audience and your subject from day one. The more focused your blog in a niche is an easier will be to get loyal readers and collaborations with brands later.

Produce quality content
That is to say, long text, worked with new information. The posts of 300 words that repeat the information you can find in any other blog no longer serve.

If you do not feel comfortable with writing text, try with the video-blogging. With the videos you not only nourish your blog but also your YouTube channel, which is another way of monetization for bloggers.

Install Google Analytics
If you are a blogger with experience sure that you don’t need to explain why it is important to know the analytics data of your blog. It’ll serve to better understand your audience and what are their interests. Also, if a brand wants to work with you sure they want to know your traffic data.

Explore all the ways of monetization
Put advertising on a blog in the form of banners is not always the best option for income. There are many other ways to monetize a blog, such as writing sponsored posts, mentioning in social networks, selling courses or recommending products.

According to the theme of your blog or the level of traffic that you have may be more interesting to bet on a blog without ads and get revenue from direct agreements with brands or affiliate programs.

The ideal is to combine two or three ways of monetizing at the same time. If you use only one system and it fails, you can see how your income falls precipitously.